Thursday, April 16, 2009

India Shining

Dharavi, India's biggest slum shows the entrepreneurial spirit of Indians in the face of adversity.
Around 90% of Indians work in the informal unregulated sector of the economy.

Primary Education in India

The following video might come across as critical and you might not agree with some of the analysis, but the facts can't be denied

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Money distribution in Elections: Bribe or Free Trade

Recently, Jaswant Singh, senio leader of BJP was caught on camera openly distributing money during a public gathering. On being asked, he didn't deny it. On being reminded of the law, he used the old cliche "Law is an Ass".
This came after the Samajwadi Party chief, Mulayam Singh was recently accused of distributing cash during Holi celebrations.
I don't buy the theory that poor people are victims and being exploited in the name of money. I think it has become a "tradition" and part of the system. The poor knows that only thing he's gonna get out of the neta is at the time of the election and in the form of goodies. There is a 5 year drought to follow
The elections have become a function of money.
Free trade my friend, capitalists should be happy !! As the good old saying goes "Note lo vote do"

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Largest Democracy

This is the first one of a series of posts I plan to run on the Indian General Elections '09. This comes as a result of the realization that we go gaga over American presidential elections but are totally oblivious of what happens in our own homes. The realization came as a result of a small argument with my better half (would be) :)

BJP released its election manifesto. Heck of a long document. For so far that I have read, it longs about India's glorious past (pre-independence) and frets about how Britishers looted us. It moves to criticising the UPA and makes noise about the problems that we face without many concrete steps.

What do you make of it ? Do read it! It might be what will happen in the country for next 5 years

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